Discover Sibuyan Island

Monday, June 16, 2008

Cockfighting or Sabong

Cockfighting is considered as one of the main pastime for sibuyanons. Cockfighting is a centuries-old blood sport in which two or more specially bred birds, known as gamecocks, are placed in an enclosure to fight, for the primary purposes of gambling and entertainment. A cockfight usually results in the death of one of the birds; sometimes it ends in the death of both. A typical cockfight can last anywhere from several minutes to more than half an hour.

Cockfighting in the Philippines is called “Sabong”, it is one of the Philippines’ national sports … there are illegal and legal cockfights (Even the Philippine boxing hero Manny Pacquiao has a cock called “Pac-Man”) … if you go into any home in the Philippines you would find at least 2 cocks (if there is an older male in the household) many would gamble on the fight, cocks in the country are treated like humans, they would feed them, give vitamins, and give them a shower … if the cock has been injured, but still alive, they would usually use it for reproduction, for fighting they would use gloves in an illegal fight, but would use blades in the legal fights …

Cockfighting is considered as gambling and pastime for others. But what we need to understand, are the disadvantages and effects to other people. This can ruin or destroy our family, your family and even your relationship with other people. A lot of money is used to bet every game. Instead of giving this to your own family, you will be obsess to bet every game, just to fulfill your happiness.