Discover Sibuyan Island

Monday, March 16, 2009

WOW 1st Soccer football Tournament

Time: May 11, 2009 to May 15, 2009
Location: Magdiwang football field(MCES)
City/Town: Magdiwang,romblon
Website or Map:
Contact Info: 00639283211468/009660554693266

Everyone is invited to join the WOW 1st Soccer Football Tournament. Fill free to contact dinand or Naro!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

PCG, Romblon folk shoo whales back to sea

The Philippine Coast Guard on Wednesday lauded local fisher folk for helping out in the efforts that led to the immediate and safe return of some 100 melon-headed whales stranded off the coast of Romblon on Tuesday.

Radio dzBB’s Carlo Mateo quoted Coast Guard commandant Vice Admiral Wilfredo Tamayo as describing the local villagers as heroes for coming to the rescue when they spotted the whales off the coast of Odiongan town, a third class municipality in central Romblon.

The latest stranding happened on the heels of an earlier similar incident in Bataan where some 300 melon-headed whales suddenly emerged off the shore off Pilar and Orion towns. Local fishermen and authorities waded into the water and successfully drove the whales away, but not after three whales had died.

Picking up lessons from the Bataan experience, Tamayo said the Coast Guard employed safer and more effective measures to help the mammals make their way back to deeper parts of the ocean.

Tamayo said he has already mobilized his team to troop to the waters and conduct regular monitoring to avoid a similar scenario from happening anew.

The Coast Guard official said he thinks the whales could have lost their way as an effect of global climate change.

Over the weekend, around 200 pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins also found their way off the shorelines of the Narcoopa Beach on King Island, a part of Tasmania. Only around 60 of them were safely ushered back to the sea.

The series of whale stranding has already prompted the International World Ocean Conference to take up the matter when its members convene, the report added.

Perplexed experts have yet to ascertain the actual cause of the unusual behavior of the whales, with some attributing it to a seismic movement beneath the ocean while others saying such whales tend to stay close together at all times. - Mark MerueƱas, GMANews.TV

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Search for Magdiwang Ultimate Idol 2009!

1.)Open tO aLL yOuNg mAlE aND fEmALe with tHe fOLLoWiNg qUaLiFiCaTiOnS:
•FiliPiNo CiTiZeN, single, mUsT bE bEtWeEn 18-25 yEaRs oF aGeS aS oF mArCh 1, 2009
•Of gOOd mOrAL cHaRaCtEr
•PhYsiCaLLy aNd mEnTaLLy fiT
•aT LeAsT 5’2” fOr fEmALe aND 5’5” fOr mALe
2.)aSpiRaNtS mUsT bRiNg tHe fOLLowiNg dUriNg tHe sCreEniNg:
•sTuDiO wALLeT size picture, tWo (2) cOpiEs
•cErTifiCaTe oF gOoD mOrAL cHaRaCtEr
•bArAnGaY cLeArAnCe
•cOnTeStAnT mUsT bE pRePaReD tO sing oNe (1) sOnG oR oNe (1) dANCe nUmBeR dUriNg sCrEeNiNg
3.)FiNaLiSt will bE jUdGe bAsEd oN tHe fOLLoWiNg cRitEriA:

pErSoNaLiTy pRoJeCtiOn ApPeArAnCe 45%
InTeLLiGeNt 30%
tALeNt 25%

CaSh pRiZeS aND gift pAcKs aWaiTs tHe LuCky winners

2009 MaGdiWaNg ULtiMaTe IdOL 10,000
1st rUnNeR uP 7,000
2nd rUnNeR uP 5,000
cOsOLaTiOn pRiZeS 1,500

For more info:
Hon. Rommel “Nonoy” Radan at 09217247914
Mr. Jomz Martinez at 09287702931
Ms. Glaiza at 09166263572
Ms. Myla at 09089971796 –Manila

Applications period for the 2009 Magdiwang Ultimate Idol will start on March 16, 2009.
Deadline for the submission of application form and other pertinent documents is on March 30, 2009.

General Screening is on April 13, 2009, 8:00 am at the Magdiwang Multi-Purpose Hall.

Big Night! Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 7: 00pm Magdiwang Municipal Auditorium.